
Billy McMahan: June 1st

Hey everybody!  Today was definitely an interesting experience for me.  We went to church at the Times Square Church in New York City.  Times Square is famous for all of the extravagant lights, the gaudy billboards, Broadway theater, the Rockin' New Years Eve party, and some of the most expensive property in the world.  Now, take that image and put a church in the middle of it.  What does it look like? 
Times Square Church is an old broadway theater.  When you first walk up to the church it looks some what normal.  After you go through the front doors you can tell that this is not a typical church.  It has sculptures on the walls and on the ceilings, very detailed murals on the walls, and very classic looking wallpaper.  
It was really crowded and everyone was trying to find a seat.  They had ushers running all over the sanctuary trying to fill every last seat with people.  They did not want to make anyone stand or be turned away.  When the usher came to our group and asked us how many people we had, Dmac said fourteen.  The lady looked at him like he was crazy and said we don't have that much room.  He then told her that we were from Los Angeles and really wanted to see what the church was like.  She went back into the sanctuary and tried again to look for seats.  She came back and led us to a row that was third from the front in the balcony.  I don't know what she did to make those seats available but it was awesome.  I think that some regular attenders moved and gave their seats so we could have some.  
After sitting there for a few minutes we these massive red velvet curtains went up and a huge gospel choir started singing and dancing.  It was unlike anything I have experienced in a long time.  The message was about laying down your hurt and forgiving others so that we can better minister to people who don't know Christ.  It was a really powerful sermon and lots of people responded at the end of the service.  
New York City is an amazing place with lots of diversity!  I'm excited for the next week and a half!

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