
Planes, trains (Subways), and automobiles...and lots of luggage

So this is a story of my adventures from three days ago, May 29, (well as best as I can remember it). This is a true story, and although there may be a few exaggerations (due to a faulty memory on my part) most of what your about to read is as close to the truth as possible...

After everybody from the group arrived I learned a very valuable lesson about navigating in New York: it doesn't matter how many people are in your group, how much luggage you have, or who you are waiting for; don't stop moving! Everybody has somewhere to go and something to do, and if you stop then you prevent them from reaching their destination (in a timely manner) which results in "nasty comments" or "friendly reminders" (depending on whose perspective you see it from) basically saying, "Move out of my way tourist." If you have to stop take my advice and make sure you stop as close to a wall as possible to stay out of the way of others.

The objective of May 29th was to reach Hephzibah house with all our luggage and the entire group still intact (this was quite a lofty goal considering that there is 14 of us, and between us all we had at least 30 pieces of luggage--some luggage weighing well over 100lbs [Erica]) P.S That might be one of those exaggerations I mentioned.

On the first leg of our Journey we followed our fearless leader, Caitlyn, through the airport and on to the airtrain from Newark to Penn Station (by the way, 30 large pieces of luggage is no picnic on the small airtrain...I have a vivid memory of a fellow passenger laughing at me as I tripped over a bag into my seat). But Caitlyn successfully got us all to our transfer point where we met up with DMac, our "Big Kahuna" who led us through the crazy subway systems and streets of New York (dodging pedestrians and taxis) all the way to Hephzibah house...did I mention we had at least 45 bags each weighing 150 lbs.

Anyway after a long day of travels we finally made it to Hephzibah house, which is probably the most amazing house in all of New York. It is a historical house which used to be a house for a bishop, then became an all girls school, and is now an awesome hotel/bed and breakfast. I am on the fifth floor in a room by myself...with an amazing view!

In the midst of all the craziness I can tell that God is really going to show up on this trip. I can't wait to see how God is going to work in all of our lives! Before I went to bed I read Psalm 67, its an incredible Psalm about God receiving praise from the nations (if you haven't read it and want to be blessed I suggest giving this psalm a look)



megan said...


{Sweet and Salty} said...

A very eloquently written blog BrendAn
I am so glad you are having a blast! :-)

Caitlin Shirley said...

I laughed... good start to an awesome blog!!

NYCBiola said...

Yes sir, I think your estimate of the weight of my luggage was a BIG exaggeration. Thanks for helping me with it though! Too bad we aren't on the same return flight... dang it, now who am I going to get to help me cart around my 100 lb. bags?!;)

~ Erica